** 1-time only Introductory Offer - 50% off a 2 or 4-hand mobile massage - for singles or couples
** Lomilomi, swedish, deep tissue, lymph & myofascial release
** Male and/or female practitioner, 2 or 4 hand massage (we are a couple with a total of over 30 years experience)
** Makiki or Mobile - come to us, or we can come to your home, office, or give you a massage at a beach or park!
** By appointment only
** Normally its $125/hr if coming to us, $175/hr mobile.
50% offer applies to 1st session only, for singles or couples
* Venmo or cash accepted
* In your message, please include:
1) your email, phone, possible dates/times
2) Makiki or mobile? If mobile, where would we meet you?
3) any preference in style of massage, gender of practitioner, etc?
We will respond within 24 hours to anyone who provides all requested info the 1st time.